Our web info

So you'll know how to reach us.

Responsible for this webpage is the PR-Team of the Nightline Leipzig, which also created this page. One can reach us via leipzig@nightlines.eu

With this statement the owner of the website distances him/herself of all liability regarding content errors, or links to other websites. This is true for the entire webpage (as stated by the 12th May 1998 - 312 O 85/98 of the Landgericht Hamburg case).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Key points of our privacy policy:

  • You are supposed to stay anonymous, hence we don't collect much data at all and handle it cautiously.
  • We adhere to the law, such as the GDPR.
  • If you write an email to us, we'll only keep your name and email address in order to respond to your request.
  • We don't save IP adresses ourselves, the Universitäts­rechenzentrum Leipzig does that. If you want more info on that, you can contact them easily.
  • We generally don't collect personal data from you, meaning we also don't collect your phone number if you call us.
  • The chat is anonymous from both sides, it is hosted via the NL Zürich (but we operate our chat ourselves). The chat doesn't store any info permanentely. If you have specific questions, please contact Nightline Zürich.
  • If you have any questions just mail us.
  • If you are interested in a more detailed (lawfully binding) version of the privacy policy with more info, you can find it here. Note that it is in German, though.