About us

Streitpunkt Leipzig is the students’ debating society at the University of Leipzig and is one of about 70 students’ debating societies in Germany. We meet each week to improve our public speaking and to train our rhetorical skills. We also participate in various tournaments throughout Germany and organize some of our own every once in a while.

Debating is the exchange of arguments according to rules and thus forms the basis for every democratic society. At Streitpunkt Leipzig students of all degree courses debate on self-chosen topics in a relaxed atmosphere. All speakers are given the same opportunity of presenting their arguments. The team with the best presented argumentation, judged by members of the society, wins.

At the beginning of each meeting we will introduce the rules to the beginners. Afterwards everybody is encouraged to propose one or more topics for the debate. We will debate the topic that obtains most of the votes from the debaters. Then the roles are drawn by lot for each speaker. In other words, you cannot always defend your own opinion. Instead, you have to find arguments for the side that you have drawn. The different roles and their purposes are described in the rules-section. Every team has 15 minutes to prepare their speeches and gather arguments that support their side. After the debate the judicators will give everybody constructive feedback so that everybody can improve their skills continuously. When the educational part of the evening is over, everybody is invited to come to a nearby pub to talk about the debate or anything else of interest and to get to know each other better.

Are you interested? On this website you can find some relevant information about debating and our activities. For further questions about Streitpunkt Leipzig in particular or debating in general, do not hesitate to contact us! Write an e-mail or join us at one of our meetings.


English Debating
Tuesdays, 7:00 pm, room S 320
Neues Seminargebäude (NSG), Campus Augustusplatz

German Debating
Mondays, 7:00 pm, room S 320
Neues Seminargebäude (NSG), Campus Augustusplatz

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